Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Pointers for Pinterest Pinners

Pinterest is undoubtedly creative, and poised to surpass Twitter hands-down! So it makes great sense to learn all you can about Pinterest, and how to use this fun and colorful social networking site to win success for your brand and beloved home business.

It truly is amazing that women are five times more likely to use Pinterest than men. I am not surprised about that either. It is said that 25% of women who use the Internet would rather use Pinterest. I am talking 36 million who pin and re pin photos of whatever they like and manages to catch their creative imagination and fancy.

Repinly, the first site to dedicate itself full-time to tracking Pinterest activity, offers some interesting facts and pointers about "pinners" and what they like to pin.

First of all, the most popular category on Pinterest, based on the number of pins pinned is "Food and Drink," which accounts for 11% of pins on the site. The most popular pin of all time is a recipe for garlicky cheese bread, if you can believe that!

The second most popular Pinterest category is "DIY and Crafts," which has about 10 % of all pins. The all-time favorite pin shows how to create a piece of art by melting crayons with a hair dryer to make yet another rainbow.
Even though most pinners re pin photos that have already been posted to the site,  20 % of pinners find their fanciful pictures on other sites. While the most popular place to find images is Google, it accounts for only 5 % of pins. Etsy, the online shop for handcrafted items, ranks second at 2 % and photos uploaded by pinners themselves ranks a close third.

What are some of your favorite Pinterest categories and what kinds of things do you love to pin on Pinterest?
I hope these Pinterest pointers have helped you as you join in the fun as a happy Pinterest Pinner.
Wishing you success, as you pin with gusto, imagination and great strategy for your social network marketing and home business.

Vivian May Edwards


Unknown said...

I like quotations that make us feel good. I promote inspiration and (okay, I'll admit it) I really like fashion. Thanks for this informative piece! Julie

Unknown said...

I like quotations that make people feel good. I am also a motivational speaker, so I promote all of those links that inspire us. And (okay, I'll admit it) I like fashion. And when I need a break from writing, I look at pictures of animals and explore all of the places I want to go. I also do vision board workshops; Pinterest is the best site for helping people get into touch with things they like (especially good for people who may feel discouraged). I'm on Pinterest! Thanks for allowing me to respond. Julie Connor

Unknown said...

I love inspirational quotes and also the humour pins. I also love the fitness pins.