Monday, March 29, 2010

Joy and Sorrow

Sorrow, God’s angel in veils of dark night with whom we walk by faith, not by sight.

Said to radiant Joy, God’s high angel of light, with whom we rejoice, when life seems so bright.
“Never united as one, will we be. For my hard songs of night clash with your symphony,

I’ll never gaze on your glistening kiss, or rest in the warmth of your meadows of bliss.”
So thought Joy and Sorrow when Jesus appeared; With love, His sweet presence triumphantly neared.

For no One but Christ could unite them you see, Sorrow and Joy, hand in hand they could be!
Through winter's dark storm and through summer's bright ray, Sorrow could flow into Joy’s brand new day.

Now Joy would be greater, yes brightly displayed, now that Sorrow's dark presence with Joy, was arrayed
Now that Sorrow could shine through God’s infinite plan, surrounded by Joy through King Jesus, the man,

Faith, hope and love, joy forever, the same, could exist at the grave,

Praise His name praise His name!
Vivian May Edwards

Blessings, for you and yours this Easter Season...


Eddie Snipes said...

Very nice and rich in truth.

Maidservant said...

I love it Vivian. I have always envied, and I know we shouldn't, but I've envied artists and poets. I'll come read anytime you post ! I don't want to be a writer really, but I did need to write about a year ago. I had lost the third dear friend in a very short body and soul ached like never before. I'm not sure I'm "over it" yet.If you want to read what I wrote go to:
I didn't let but a few people read it. It was personal. But I think you'll understand. Your friend, Robyn