Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How They Prayed...

The next time you pray, take a moment to think about men and women of the Bible and how they prayed. We can all learn much about prayer, just from looking into their lives and their prayer habits. Their life's journey serves as an incredible example for all of us.
Always start with praise! So many of their prayers began by praising God! For example, Daniel's focus was on God's greatness. He prayed to "the great and awesome God, who keeps His covenant of love with all who love Him and obey His commands" (Daniel 9:4). He acknowledged God as absolutely righteous, merciful and forgiving.

Begin your own prayers with praise and thanksgiving. Praise God for His mercy, His power and His love! Thank Him for His daily provisions for you and for your loved ones. Give Him the glory for your talents, your blessings and most of all for eternal salvation given so freely to each of us, through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. God has given us so much! 

Adore Him...For He adores you so very much! 

And Mary said, "My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior" (Luke 1:46 & 47).

1 comment:

Barbara Ann Cramer said...

Vivian, thanks for the sound advice. My "Jesus Calls" devotional hones in on thankfulness today!
